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RRT-Connect: An Efficient Approach to
Single-Query Path Planning

James Kuffner, Jr.

Steven M. LaValle



A simple and efficient randomized algorithm is presented for solving single-query path planning problems in high-dimensional configuration spaces. The method works by incrementally building two Rapidly-exploring Random Trees (RRTs) rooted at the start and the goal configurations. The trees each explore space around them, and also advance towards each other through the use of a simple greedy heuristic. Although originally designed to quickly synthesize motions for a human arm (modeled as a 7-DOF kinematic chain) for the automatic graphic animation of collision-free grasping and manipulation tasks, the algorithm has been successfully applied to a variety of path planning problems. Computed examples include generating collision-free motions for rigid objects in 2D and 3D, and collision-free manipulation motions for a 6-DOF PUMA arm in a 3D workspace. Some basic theoretical analysis is also presented.


1997 - 2006 © James Kuffner, Jr.